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The information on this website is of a general nature and serves only to introduce LitFin Anlegerklage GmbH (“LitFin”) to the interested internet user. LitFin assumes liability for the contents of its web pages in accordance with the statutory provisions. The information is compiled with due diligence.

We assume no responsibility for decisions made by the user on the basis of the aforementioned information. We would like to point out that the present content does not constitute individual legal, accounting, tax or any other professional information or recommendation and is not suitable to replace individual advice by competent persons taking into account the specific circumstances of the individual case. LitFin reserves the right to change or update the information, products or services offered on this website at any time without prior notice.

This website contains references (links) to websites maintained by third parties. Such third party websites are not necessarily presented in a frame on this website. LitFin has no control or influence over the content of third party websites behind the link. References and links to third-party websites do not imply that LitFin adopts the content behind the reference or link as its own. LitFin shall therefore not be liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content or for damage caused by the use of content behind the link.

The use of the Internet shall be at the user’s own risk. LitFin shall in particular not be liable for the technically caused failure of the internet or the access to the internet.